Drumcondra Dental i Dublin 9

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDrumcondra Dental



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Drumcondra Road Upper Drumcondra Road Upper, 14 Upper Drumcondra Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, D09 K6C1, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 561 2121
internet side: www.drumcondradental.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.369249, Longitude: -6.254307

kommentar 5

  • Jane Quigley

    Jane Quigley


    Definitely recommend this place. Have avoided going to the dentist for years but delighted I found their Groupon offer because now I've found a dentist I'm actually looking forward to go back to! Staff are very nice and professional.

  • Deargh Armstrong

    Deargh Armstrong


    Brilliant place, went back in after 6 years of avoiding the dreaded chair. Immediately felt at ease, it was a tough cleaning but the dentist was brilliant super reassuring and recommended a follow up treatment which I will be pursuing with same Dentist! Couldn't recommend her any higher :)

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    Stephen Caffrey


    Best experience I've ever had at a dentist. The staff were very friendly and professional. I went here for a second opinion about an issue with my tooth after being told i needed a root canal and crown or an extraction which would have cost 1100 euro. The staff x-rayed and examined me and gave me great advice as well as a clean and saved me 1000 euro. I can't recommend this dentist enough.

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    Shane Smith


    excellent service booked my scale and polish with groupon and got it that day , the staff are very nice too ..

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    David Okromchedlidze


    This clinic provided one of the finest results I've had yet. I’m very pleased with the treatment. Super skilled, friendly doctor put me at ease from the start and did an incredible job. I had chipped tooth rebuilt and teeth whitening done. Will certainly come back. Highly recommended

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