Dublin Ink i Dublin 2

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IrlandDublin Ink



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Cows Lane,, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 8888
internet side: dublininktattoo.com
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Latitude: 53.344115, Longitude: -6.268719

kommentar 5

  • Elisa Nardini

    Elisa Nardini


    Studio di tatuaggi vicino Temple Bar. Personale gentile e veri professionisti.. Andate a visitare il loro sito. Prezzi adeguati in base ai lavori eseguiti.

  • Fergus O'Hagan

    Fergus O'Hagan


    Every tattoo artist and piercer in there is extremely talented! Super friendly people. Got a great tattoo from Ishnard

  • Kelly Walsh

    Kelly Walsh


    Did not have a good experience here when visiting Dublin. My sister and I wanted to get tattoos and tried to book months ahead, mentioning several times our travel dates.They kept insisting on dates before or after our trip. We walked in one day to see if they had any openings or cancellations, and without even looking at us, they said they did, so we stayed for a bit. But honestly, both my sister and I felt like we were a bother. So we left and went to the Ink Factory. Way better!

  • en

    Zoie O'Rourke


    From the moment I emailed them to the next day aftercare appointment, Dublin Ink has treated me professionally and made me feel very comfortable. The tattoo artists are all extremely talented, but I decided to get my tattoo from Matthew. We talked a bit over email so he could design my tattoo and book my appointment, it was very appreciated as I live out of town. He drew my tattoo custom, and it was exactly what I wanted! When I arrived at the shop the people who greeted me were very friendly. The shop is very clean and everything that would be touching me was sanitized. I was made very comfortable and when the shop got a little cold Matthew got me a heater. He took his time before and during my tattoo to make sure it came out perfectly (and it did) but he also worked within the time limit I had. I'm so glad I chose Dublin Ink to get my tattoo and I would recommend it to anyone!

  • Holly Connick

    Holly Connick


    I recently got a tattoo here from a guest artist. I was very unhappy with the outcome of the tattoo so I went back a week later to complain. The staff were so so lovely. I was expecting maybe my deposit back or a store voucher, but they gave me a full refund and offered me free laser removal and or fix up. Even though the tattoo itself wasn't what I wanted the team were amazing, and it shouldn't put off anyone going here. Perhaps it was a risky move going to a guest artist, but the resident artists here are outstanding, and if I decide to get laser and a fresh tattoo over it, or a fix up, I will be going to one of these artists. I really can't thank the staff enough for how they dealt with the situation and putting my mind at ease.

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