Dublin Krishna Temple i Dublin 1

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IrlandDublin Krishna Temple



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83, Abbey Street Middle, Dublin 1, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 86 212 0452
internet side: krishna.ie
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Latitude: 53.348427, Longitude: -6.260764

kommentar 5

  • sonjoy chandra sarker

    sonjoy chandra sarker


    Hare Krishna....

  • Lake Isle Retreats

    Lake Isle Retreats


    You get some exercise going up several flights of stairs to get there! Inside during a programme there is the yoga chant music, which is captivating. There are two monks that stand out. I'd recommend everyone to get to know them. They're both originally from Belfast. One is called Premarnava and his intense inner happiness, deep humility and uncommonly warm smile would shake the faith of even Richard Dawkins! The other is Mayesvara, and although he has a background in university philosophy, to be honest - if you listen to his lectures - it seems obvious to me that he knows more about realised philosophy then dry armchair verbiage. Both these monks are full of real wisdom. And, you know, if you want to chat to them about Life, the Universe and Everything, they'll have time for you. Thank you, from Tim.

  • allswell1world1team



    Wonderful little spiritual community in the city welcoming to all. Temple on top floor with Kirtan on a Tuesday evening, 6.30 - 8.30pm, festival with kirtan, lesson/discussion and feast on a a Sunday 3-6pm. Various lessons and yoga classes throughout the week. Great free vegetarian food served at Sunday feast and in the restaurant on ground floor all week, open 7 days. Lovely place and people.

  • en

    Sanjay Maharaj


    I initially attended this temple with high hopes, and optimistic of finding a holy place. yes, on a quiet day, it's a peaceful spot but on a Sunday, it's chaos. very disorganised service. and sadly, rather racist vibe which was noted by many. several non-whites in attendance - actually the majority - however in my time attending here, I have never seen a non-white person sing, or do the ceremonies or class. Singing usually done sounds like 80s rock music rather than devotional hymns. Food is kindly served, but it's hit or miss. Sometimes very tasty, but usually tasteless hodgepodge stuff - neither clearly western or Indian - often with some cream thrown in. Members are generally rude and arrogant. I've only encountered one gentleman called Prema, who appeared quite devotional and respectable. No-one greets or smiles. The only time I've been spoken to is when they try to solicit a donation. Very nice philosophy, let down by an uninspiring real-world experience.

  • April Mellor

    April Mellor


    I came here from Scotland. And had such a great experience. The people there are so welcoming. They made our stay in Dublin memorable and enlivening. They have wonderful evenings of live music and even yoga. My favorite has to be the sweet morning classes on spiritual philosophy.

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