Dublin Pizza Company i Dublin 2

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IrlandDublin Pizza Company



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32, Aungier Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 561 1714
internet side: www.dublinpizzacompany.ie
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Latitude: 53.339054, Longitude: -6.2658458

kommentar 5

  • en

    Neil Shanahan


    Best pizza in Dublin. Went for the first time and inhaled one for my lunch this afternoon. Some great options for pizza in Dublin now but this edges out Da Mimmo, Cirillo's, Manifesto and a few others for me. Obviously this is just my own opinion and others would prefer several different places but this place is of a great standard. Bring your pizza to The Swan 30 yards away and have a pint. Top quality ingredients and the base is cooked to a lovely slightly charred consistency.

  • en

    Stephen O' Reilly


    Only eaten from here once but overall a pretty good pizza place. Very nice pizza but a few issues. No type of seating available for customers leaving us standing on the street waiting for food, waiting time wasn't too bad, staff didn't seem to bothered in customer service and I think there was more rocket lettuce than pizza. If you're not a massive fan of rocket make sure you ask for a small amount otherwise it'll be covered. Price was okay.

  • Raffaella Angelelli

    Raffaella Angelelli


    I loved the pizza. It was really good, I think the pizza I tasted in Dublin. Staff is really kind. They don't have seats so you have to eat it on the street or take it home but they don't have home delivery and if don't live very close by, the pizza will be cold and not good once you arrive home.

  • en

    Eoin McAdams


    Best pizza in Dublin without a doubt. And their garlic sauce they make is amazing. Try visit as much as possible. Forget your greasy take away pizza this is fine cuisine haha. Cooked to perfection. Now I'm hungry I'll see you guys later! Peace

  • en

    Gianpaolo Arzano


    simply one of the best pizza in Dublin. I'm italian and live close to Naples.. this is the real deal. Yes, it's take away only but they have some kind of agreement with the Swan Bar pub 50 metres away towards the centre.. order a beer, take a table and enjoy your pizza.. they will even take care of the boxes.

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