Dublin Plumber 24 hrs.ie i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDublin Plumber 24 hrs.ie



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20 Hunters Meadow, Ballycullen Road, Ballycullen, Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 85 214 6522
internet side: dublin-plumber-24-hrsie.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.2689567, Longitude: -6.3293675

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christopher Martin


    Whoever originally installed my kitchen plumbing decided to make it as inaccessible as possible, making the simple task of changing the taps incredibly awkward. George managed the change the taps, notwithstanding impossible to reach nuts. He also made sure that there were no leaks, however small, before finishing the job. I would totally recommend George for any household plumbing jobs; he is both reasonable and reliable.

  • Mary M

    Mary M


    We had a boiler service and were very impressed with the quality of workmanship from George. He is efficient and competent. He is also very friendly and helpful.

  • Daryl Tisdall

    Daryl Tisdall


    turned up when he said he would and done an excellent job repairing my heating. great attention to detail and thorough work carried out.

  • Siobhán Maher

    Siobhán Maher


    George fixed our bathroom hot tap at short notice. He accommodated an early appointment (around 7:30am) which was great. He was very friendly and efficient, I highly recommend him.

  • en

    Hugh Murphy


    If Jesus had plumbing problems, this is the guy he’d call! On the plumbing scene, they call him “The Godfather.” As he walked through the halls he had communion with the heating system, whispered to it sweet nothings and seductively lulled it into placid submission. He then uttered “it is done” and haven’t had a problem since. Best plumber in Dublin! Don’t use anyone else!

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