Dunnes Stores i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDunnes Stores



🕗 åbningstider

Henry Street, D01 HW54, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 814 6224
internet side: www.dunnesstores.com
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Latitude: 53.3497637, Longitude: -6.2633135

kommentar 5

  • abhinav shahrawat

    abhinav shahrawat


    I wanted a good jacket and pullover. There are nice options available in this store. Check it out!

  • Adrinne Broderick

    Adrinne Broderick


    Good quality in dunnes but it has the worst sale ever. It only has a couple of rails on sale and its the rubbish stuff. Arnots mango and other big stores have a proper sale

  • B R S

    B R S


    I like Dunnes stores. The selection is great and the prices are reasonable. But sometimes the staff is crabby, like the woman I encountered at the fitting rooms today who rudely told me I couldn't use the fitting rooms in the women's lingerie section to try on women's clothing (t-shirts). I had to go to the fitting rooms on the main floor. Stupidest rule ever. Seems like she just didn't feel like working today.

  • Claire Ormonde

    Claire Ormonde


    Most of their groceries are dearer than other supermarkets. Why do they never have a proper sale? They put some ladies clothes on a rack or two, that are reduced by a few euro. I have given better to charity shops.

  • Nikhil Misra

    Nikhil Misra


    While buying groceries, the best ever experience I have had was at Dunnes Stores. The reason why I gave them five stars is not because they have placed everything very well, clear price tags, logical sections, obviously a grocery retail shop has to do everything to render the best customer experience. But, I really love their marketing. They force me to go to them to purchase my groceries because first they source the best from around the world, and second - they give away a decent discount as a part of their customer loyalty program, which I have not found being entailed in any other big grocery retailer's marketing program.

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