Dunnes Stores i Shannon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDunnes Stores



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Rossbracken, Skycourt, Tullyvarraga, Shannon, Co. Clare, V14 NH74, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 707 050
internet side: www.dunnesstores.com
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Latitude: 52.71015, Longitude: -8.8780299

kommentar 5

  • Tat Wai Lam

    Tat Wai Lam


    Pricey but the quality is good.

  • en

    Lorna Conroy


    Good parking on either side. great range of products. good weekly wonders. friendly staff this store supplies the very tasty award winning kinsale bay food co. Chowder 🌝

  • Karen Sloan

    Karen Sloan


    Love Dunnes fresh vegetables, gourmet cheeses and meats!

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    Paddy Sheedy


    Trolleys a big problem, a number of people have problem getting trolley after inserting coin, faulty trolleys. Frustrated customers after losing money

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    Sean Considine


    This stores is not a high graded stores and should be given the population of Shannon which is apparently the 2nd or 3rd largest town in Clare after Ennis. It's shocking. Also a bit disappointed that there is no automatic payment facilities to help speed up the queues especially in Fridays like in other locations. Shannon is in County Clare but yet the Dunnes establishment take it for granted that people will use the bigger Dunnes in Limerick, not good enough. That's my experience seen that I was asked for it. Can't wait for a big chain stores to come in and overtake this setup.

nærmeste Stormagasin

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