Eco Home Solutions i Trim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandEco Home Solutions



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Market Street, Trim, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 46 943 6702
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.555413, Longitude: -6.792426

kommentar 3

  • Ernest Asensio Blasco

    Ernest Asensio Blasco


    Two friends of mine from work, here in Dublin, recommended me to go and visit Eco Home Solutions in Trim, Co. Meath as they were very happy with their service and price. I thought, if two people bothered to go all the way to Trim from Dublin, it must be for a reason. I visited the shop and the owner, Frank, was incredibly knowledgeable and honest. I shopped around and I saw that his prices were in par with the market, so I decided to go with him basing it on the good feedback I received from my friends. I was in the middle of building a new home so the last thing I wanted was trouble installing a stove. I had already my fair of share of issues relating with my new built but Frank reassured me that he was going to work with my contractor in order to get the right measurements and installation dates. As I wanted a double-sided stove, this was a bit trickier in terms of its installation. Purely because I needed certain width of the walls but I have to say that Frank’s service was impeccable and very professional (from start to finish). The post-sale service has also been really good as I have been asking him all sort of questions (I’ve never had a stove before so I am a newbie). This man’s patience is something else… you can really tell he loves what he does.

  • en

    Kevin McCarthy


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    Eoin Geary


    After spending a couple of months looking for a fireplace that suited our requirements. We called in to Frank in Eco Home Solutions - his knowledge and expertise allowed us to finally make a decision. We bought a Spartherm Mini S RLU from him and his team fitted it. Any issues were quickly dealt with and his customer service is second to none. I can't recommend Frank and Eco Home Solutions enough.

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