Edel Tuite Bridal Design i Drogheda

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IrlandEdel Tuite Bridal Design



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Upper Mell, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 R744, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 41 987 2951
internet side: www.edeltuitedesign.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.719807, Longitude: -6.376063

kommentar 5

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    Sarah Cummins


    After several visits to Bridal shops and starting to feel a bit flustered with the whole thing, I was immediately put at ease when I entered Edel Tuite Bridal Design in Drogheda. She made me feel welcome, offered me several albums to browse and sample gowns to examine and try on. She was able to literally tailor to my specifications and "build" a gown for me by pinning and draping fabrics to match what I was hoping for. Edel's professionalism and attention to detail is second to none. As I made my own bridesmaids dresses, I can appreciate the skill, talent and craftsmanship that goes into each one. Edel adds a few more special ingredients to hers by adding love, elegance and grace into each gown. My dress represented me and my personality and she was able to gauge that on my first appointment. She is a lady through and through and an incredible talent. If you want to feel uniquely elegant on your big day, wear an Edel Tuite dress.

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    Marie O'Sullivan


    Edel is a consummate professional. She understands her clients' needs and her care and attention to detail are second to none. You will feel completely at ease and know you are in good hands.

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    Cassandra Corcoran


    Amazing experience at Edel Tuite Bridal Design. My dream dress was designed and made to fit like a glove. I honestly cannot thank Edel, Leona and Elizabeth enough for all their help, advice and personal touches while designing my wedding dress. I always felt so special and never under pressure for time during my fittings and nothing was ever a problem for Edel or her team. I absolutely loved wearing my wedding dress and I highly recommend Edel Tuite Bridal to all brides! ​

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    roisin jones


    Amazing service from beginning to end! edel provided me with the dress of my dreams and her teams service and skill is worth every penny! Kudos to you all ladies!

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    Suzanne Loughnane


    I can't recommend Edel Tuite highly enough to design and make your wedding gown. I showed Edel a picture of a gown I really liked which she made to perfection, adding her own touches to make the dress even more beautiful than what I had envisaged. I only wish I could have worn it for the entire weekend! Thank you so much Edel and to your team for creating my dream wedding dress!

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