Elara Online i Dublin 12

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandElara Online



🕗 åbningstider

37 Canal Walk, Parkwest Industrial Estate, Cherry Orchard, Dublin 12, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 625 1320
internet side: www.elara.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.331295, Longitude: -6.359378

kommentar 5

  • Ed T

    Ed T


    Nice prices and friendly staff

  • en

    James T


    Terrible customer service wouldn't recommend

  • Dariusz Stronk

    Dariusz Stronk


    I have been buying in this shop for several years and I have never been disappointed.

  • Barry Carroll

    Barry Carroll


    Handy spot to get reasonably priced computer hardware. It's very handy being able to order online and pick up from the warehouse.

  • Dave Davis

    Dave Davis


    Fantastic service. It's great to see a company specialize in getting the latest tech and getting it fast. I recently purchased a hard to find machine and was able to order and pick it up within 48 hours. I love local pickup, it's such a rare treat :) The guys at Elara were super helpful and live chat support throughout the entire purchase process made the process fantastic. This is not the first time I've used Elara and after my most recent experience, it certainly will not be my last. Cannot recommend these guys enough. If you're collecting your item at their collections office, be assured, it's a super smooth affair.

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