Elle No.5 i County Kildare

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandElle No.5



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St. Wolstan's Shopping Centre, Celbridge Road, Celbridge, County Kildare, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 627 4327
internet side: www.elle5.com
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Latitude: 53.339085, Longitude: -6.532371

kommentar 5

  • Niamh Condren

    Niamh Condren


    Excellent service. Always very pleasant and a great experience every time

  • en

    Margaret O'Meara


    Cut my hair to short. Two expensive for colour and highlights

  • Avril D

    Avril D


    Great place for hair, make up and treatments. Always buzzing with activity. Great place to get prettied up for a night out.

  • en

    Suzanna Flynn


    Always made feel so welcome here. Lovely friendly staff. Great selection of pamper treatments and great prices too. All the staff are amazing at their jobs. I cannot praise this place highly enough. They even offer my little fella a hot chocolate with mini marshmallows when ges in with me. Its the little things that make all the difference. I love this place 😀

  • G Mc N

    G Mc N


    Nikki is great. She takes time to help you decide what you want for your hair. I found out I have natural warm tones in my dark brown hair and they showed up really well in the colour she helped me select. Also gave me a lovely curly blow dry and will shorten fringe for me if I need to when I go back to my natural curls. She is a lovely gentle lady and did a fantastic job. My hair is much shinier also. Great job. Very satisfied customer. Nikki has worked out a plan for my hair and is keeping record of my colour and what we've agreed to between us. I would highly recommend Nikki especially if you have natural curls - she has a great understanding of what works for curls. Again thanks very much Nikki!

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