Embassy of the United States of America i Dublin 4

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandEmbassy of the United States of America



🕗 åbningstider

42, Elgin Road, D04 TP03, Dublin 4, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 668 8777
internet side: ie.usembassy.gov
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3302517, Longitude: -6.2337295

kommentar 5

  • Tomasz N

    Tomasz N


    Good turnaround time. Professional stuff. Great e-mail communication also.

  • Alexander



    Terrible experience. Staff are extremely unhelpful, rude, fat and lazy! This place should be closed down with americkanesians booted out of Ireland!

  • Kirill Evreinov

    Kirill Evreinov


    I hope the embassy staff read this review. I've applied for a US visa 1 month prior to my planned travel and brought all necessary documentation along. The interviewer didn't like something in my answers and put my file through Administrative Processing which apparently takes around 90 days (90 DAYS!!!). I believe the interviewer was unprofessional because he asked me about my academic background but was unable to comprehend my answer. He also asked me for my CV which is not on the list of required documents. If it's something you need for the application it must be included! I am not carrying my CV around just in case! There is no way to track the progress, talk to anyone or expedite the process. The worst and the least transparent process I've seen (though I should've expected that from a country that elected Trump)

  • Filipe Gonçalves

    Filipe Gonçalves


    Went there for a visa interview. Friendly staff, no long waits, very efficient service. I was in and out in less than 30 mins!

  • praveen balla

    praveen balla


    Just works. For some it can be a bit worrying as the security and the embassy ppl are a bit rude faced. however for me it was fine.

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