Emiliano's i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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21, High Street, Waterford, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 820 333
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 52.2604132, Longitude: -7.1084324

kommentar 5

  • en

    tom kindregan


    One of best restaurants ive been to, food was amazing, brilliant service, and made my daughter's birthday a memorable experience thank you all.

  • Christina Clapp

    Christina Clapp


    The service was a little slow, but very attentive when they were around. The staff was friendly and polite. And the food was amazing. I got a smoked mozzarella and prosciutto dish as a starter that I'll highly recommend, along with the capricciosa pizza. I have no regrets. And the decor was amazing. It truly felt almost like stepping into Rome.

  • Jonathan Nolan

    Jonathan Nolan


    The posts from others sum the place up. Super food, great staff and lovely atmosphere. Always a spot I would recommend

  • en

    Anthony Meaney


    Proper Italian food, beautifully cooked. Friendly service. Love going here for a treat evening out!

  • en

    Davy Jones


    Wonderful meal with a real Italian feel. Me and my colleague stumbled upon Emiliano's After walking around Waterford for a while searching for restaurants. We were in town for a few days on business and knew nothing of the area. We were very pleased as this restaurant has now set a really high standard for my meals when I visit this beautiful part of Ireland. I chose the mushroom starter followed by the traditional penne pasta. Service was excellent and food Perfection. I would highly recommend a visit.

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