Enniscorthy Castle i Enniscorthy

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IrlandEnniscorthy Castle



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Castle Hill, Enniscorthy, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 53 923 4699
internet side: www.enniscorthycastle.ie
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Latitude: 52.5014239, Longitude: -6.5672235

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bucky MacClusky


    Brilliant day out for the family steeped in local history

  • EM F

    EM F


    Staff are helpful and friendly. The 1st floor recreates how the last family who occupied the castle lived in the first half of the last century. From an interest point of view it has improved with the addition of the Brooklyn movie exhibition. The re-creation of the 1950's shop and living room is done well.

  • Hrvoje Sandukcic

    Hrvoje Sandukcic


    Castle is nothing special, but ladies working there are angels. And look from the roof is amazing.

  • Jack 1059

    Jack 1059


    Been altered a lot over the years so not really original. Nice though.

  • Noeleen O Connor

    Noeleen O Connor


    My visit brought back memories of childhood! My children loved it they were fascinated and asked a lot of questions. Lovely views from the rooftop. Dungeon was a 'hit' too! Lovely to visit staff very nice. Would recommend going there.

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