Errigal Country House Hotel i Cootehill

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IrlandErrigal Country House Hotel


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Cavan Road, Cootehill, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 49 555 6901
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Latitude: 54.06548, Longitude: -7.1018257

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alvin McGlone


    Very nice hotel indeed. Great facilities. Good food. Hard to fault it.

  • Yvonne Kelly

    Yvonne Kelly


    Lovely hotel, warm and cosy rooms, food delicious, friendly staff. Only negative was loud, thumping music until 230am...not good enough for a 4 star rating.

  • Gerry O'Donnell

    Gerry O'Donnell


    Nice from the outside, we were at a conference in the main function room where the hold wedding receptions, not a nice room, no windows, looks a bit like a community Hall with Chandler's, very dated, could do with brightening up, we did not eat there so cannot comment on the food.

  • en

    Gabrielle Ward


    really enjoyed the food. beautifully presented and the girl who served us was very pleasant and helpful

  • en

    Karen Martin


    Attended son's wedding here 20/10/2017 and had a fab time. Rooms spacious, clean and comfortable. At busy times could do with extra staff to cope with number of guests both in bar and at breakfast. Staff prepared to assist in any way to enhance experience of stay. Loved it, stay again ? - Yes.

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