Evolution Fitness Balbriggan i Dublin

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IrlandEvolution Fitness Balbriggan



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Balbriggan Community Centre, Dublin St, Balbriggan, Dublin, K32 NA00, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 531 0533
internet side: www.evolutionfitness.ie
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Latitude: 53.607416, Longitude: -6.183672

kommentar 5

  • shane byrne

    shane byrne


    Helpful trainers

  • Ger Martin

    Ger Martin


    Small intimate gym fantastic trainer's

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    cBarry Hennessy


    Have grown to love this place! The support & motivation from John & Rebekah is second to none.

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    Marguerite Savage


    I've been on various diets over the past 10 years, joined weight loss groups & lost a little but put it back on and in August 2015 I was still in that same situation, overweight, constantly tired and not caring about what food I was putting into my body. I'm a mum to 2 wonderful girls and I constantly think of what kind of an example I am to them. So I decided I was going to do something to lose weight. I was thinking of joining a weight loss group again but then I spoke to a friend who achieved incredible results in the gym, so I said I'd give Evolution a go! I did my first class with Rebekah and loved it, it was so tough and really pushed me to my limits but I loved it. Joining these classes was the best decision I've ever made. 18 months later and I feel fantastic, with just over 4 stone off! I have so much energy now, I sleep much better and my fitness is at a level I never thought was possible to achieve. My view on food has completely changed, I feel like this has been a lifestyle change rather than a "diet". I feel like I know so much more when it comes to food and the foods that I fuel my body with has become a priority. I look forward to every class and I try push myself in every class because I have realized the benefits that it has. I love that I'm losing weight and looking better but nothing can top the fitness that I feel and how good my body feels. I never want to feel any other way! Rebekah & John are amazing at what they do, they are fantastic trainers and are great at encouraging you to do better and I cant recommend Evolution Fitness Balbriggan enough!

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    Gemma Sullivan


    I joined Evolution in Balbriggan initially on the twelve week programme after having my second baby and needing to get back in shape. Two years later I'm still loving it! It's tough but trainers are great; Dedicated and supportive and there's a great buzz doing the small group sessions. I've toned up and got a lot stronger.

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