Eyre Square Dental Clinic i Galway

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IrlandEyre Square Dental Clinic



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No.1 Prospect Hill, Eyre Square, Galway, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 562 932
internet side: www.eyresquaredental.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.2753308, Longitude: -9.0494616

kommentar 5

  • en

    Laura H


    I can't say enough good things about all the staff in Eyre Square Dental. Everyone I met in there from reception to my dentist James were nothing but friendly, professional, welcoming and totally put any nerves I had at ease every time I was in. You couldn't meet a more genuine, lovely bunch of people and I would recommend them to everyone!

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    R S


    I always have such a nice experience in Eyre Square dental. All the staff are so professional and kind and helpful. I was just in for my 6 month teeth cleaning and one of my fissure sealants i had done in July had come off, Sharon replaced it for me at no extra charge:) The dentists also always explain what they will be doing very well so you know exactly whats happening which is great for nervous patients (like me)! I couldnt reccomend this dental practice enough.

  • Aidan Judge

    Aidan Judge


    I can't say enough about the amazing treatment I have received at Eyre Square Dental, James is an amazing dentist at every step of the way, from the first consultation, I found him to be professional and genuine. It felt like he took a real interest in providing the best possible solution, not the fastest nor the most expensive, but the best solution for me. He works gently and quickly. The initially daunting prospect of removing teeth and filling a root canal and starting the process of implants became easy and painless. I was so terrified of the dentist for 12 years due to a bad experience. When I eventually went back I had to drug up on Valium before every appointment. This was until I came to James. The amazing staff working there obviously set the standard for the surgery. Gráinne, Siobhan and all the girls there are so lovely, professional and knowledgeable about treatments Now I am completely over my fear.I can't thank you enough James.

  • Rachel Sulley

    Rachel Sulley


    I love this place, it's like therapy for me! After dismal experiences at public clinics all through my childhood I absolutely DREADED the dentist. The team here put me at ease and I have had four treatments in the past 2 months. Both fillings were done in less than 40 minutes and I met the award winning hygienist Yolande! A brilliant experience, I reccommend the place to everyone, a great place to feel at ease!

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    Hannah Raftery


    I'm not from Galway and I needed to go see a dentist for damage I'd done to my tooth and I found Eyre Square Dental clinic. Honestly the friendliest dentists and staff I've ever met. The experience was as enjoyable as a dentist appointment can be and made me feel really relaxed. Would recommend to everyone

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