EZ Living Interiors Naas Kildare i Naas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandEZ Living Interiors Naas Kildare



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Monread Road, Naas, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 45 884 722
internet side: www.ezlivinginteriors.com
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Latitude: 53.235241, Longitude: -6.639134

kommentar 5

  • John McGuirk

    John McGuirk


    The staff here are so helpful and the quality variety and design of the furniture is great. The showroom is great and relaxed no sales people following you around well worth a visit

  • en

    Jim Finn


    Quality products at reasonable prices, nice range of home furnishings

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    Brian Meehan


    Nice store... Plenty room to walk around and good selection

  • en

    Craig Hanly


    Great range of products available for all areas of home interiors, incredibly friendly staff who were so helpful throughout the whole day. Fantastic

  • en

    christina conway


    Well it is a lovely store and warm which unlike the few I visited today in Newbridge and Naas which were so icy cold that I couldn't get out of quick enough. However, I found the exact chair I was looking for but when I said I would take it away today they couldn't oblige. They have lots in stock but in Cork. They had four on display in store but couldn't give me one either. I don't live local and it is a 100 minute drive frim where I live. Very disappointed😕

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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