Fernhill Garden Centre i Athlone

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFernhill Garden Centre



🕗 åbningstider

Ballymahon Road, Athlone, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 90 647 5574
internet side: www.fernhill.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.434345, Longitude: -7.915917

kommentar 5

  • emmet gibson

    emmet gibson


    Lovely location, great staff, good selection of indoor and outdoor plants that are well cared for, lovely Weber BBQ section, and you will always get good advice .

  • Elaine Quinn

    Elaine Quinn


    This garden centre is beautiful. So lovely to wander around. The staff are very knowledgeable and helpful. There is a beautiful restarant cafeteria too. Yum

  • en

    Jacinta Moore


    Coffee again...you just can't beat the service and the food...love to browse through their fabulous handbags and jewellery .😁😁

  • Matteo Melli

    Matteo Melli


    Great place where you can find everything for gardening and any other object for design; the restaurant inside is very cute and shop assistent are pretty good

  • Marian O'Donoghue

    Marian O'Donoghue


    Garden Centre and restaurant. Tasty food served by friendly staff. Children friendly. Good gift ideas for all ages. Always a pleasure to snack and shop!!

nærmeste Dyrehandel

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