Ferns Cathedral i County Wexford

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IrlandFerns Cathedral



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Ferns Lower, Co. Wexford, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 52.5899833, Longitude: -6.4926135

kommentar 5

  • en

    Teresa Ellis


    Lovely tour of medieval Ferns @ the Cathedral.

  • Positive Ageing

    Positive Ageing


    Driving through Ferns to Wexford, one could easily mistake the ruins at Ferns Cathedral on your left for the castle which is further up the main street. But if you have half an hour to spare then grab your camera and take a wander though the ruins and enjoy the views and the cows as they eat everything around them.You have to walk through an old grave yard to get there so be respectful and enjoy the experience. When your finished there ask some friendly local to guide you to the Castle because you wont want to say you only got one of the historical features as you may as well have a full collection of pictures for your wall. Enjoy

  • Padraic Reid

    Padraic Reid


    Beautiful church in a serene setting.

  • Jason Anderson

    Jason Anderson


  • EM F

    EM F


    Interesting to visit

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