Finglas Garda Station i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFinglas Garda Station


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Finglas North, Dublin, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 666 7500
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.389656, Longitude: -6.3064336

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jonathan Daly


    Hi all I am asking u nicele can yous put cramras outside of tesco Clearwater there's lodes of people hanging around there every day and every nigth and the valley park and all right deside me and the bickies are doing my head in spinning cars notepads and hores yous all are friendly people indid

  • Weronika Kawczyńska

    Weronika Kawczyńska


    Thats f*** ridiculous!!! Second day im waiting over 1 hour just for somebody to come out and sign application for my daughter passport and they are sitting on their asses and all i can hear is them laughing there inside!

  • en

    Geraldine Bowes


    Recently moved from a really old building further down the village this building is way more modern

  • Shining Star98

    Shining Star98


    The police here are very curious and always do their best to help you.

  • en

    Mary Morrissey


    Extremely efficient and courteous Garda (Pamela)

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