First Draft Coffee i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFirst Draft Coffee



🕗 åbningstider

3, Curved Street, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.3448264, Longitude: -6.2645023

kommentar 5

  • donna gartland

    donna gartland


    A sneaky coffee gem buried in the middle of temple bar, get away from the busy madness and unwind in this gorgeous space with a very tasty coffee. Cakes and snacks are nice too

  • Ivan Slijepčević

    Ivan Slijepčević


    just discovered this gem in the centre of town! amazing place and even better coffee

  • en

    Levente Almási


    The guy with the red hair is pretty cool lad, he also makes great coffee, lovely modern industrial interior with comfy seats, do try it special

  • Addy Burke

    Addy Burke


    Best espresso I’ve had in Dublin! Beans from The Barn also we’re great in a cappuccino. Friendly staff and a very artsy building. Off the beaten path, as the coffee shop is on the second floor, but a fun space.

  • en

    Asger Tornquist


    Great café with first rate coffee (including textbook espressos), a small selection of sweet treats, and lunch. It replaces the defunct "roasted brown" cafe on the same premises. Highly recommended. Updated 19 October, 2017: After the delicious grilled sandwiches have returned, I’m upgrading to 5 stars.

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