Fitzpatrick's Bar & Restaurant i Dundalk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFitzpatrick's Bar & Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

Rockmarshall, Dundalk, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 42 937 6193
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.0087018, Longitude: -6.2937704

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jo Barratt


    Highly recommend! Fantastic themed pub and restaurant. Service second to none, food arrives promptly, amazing portion sizes and delicious food and reasonably priced. Played happy birthday for our friend with me bean arriving to great her 😂 waitresses then arrived with a photo as a keep sake. Thank you so much, an evening we will never forget!

  • pl

    magdalena Putkowska


    Rewelacyjne miejsce. Każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Polecam w 100%

  • Pamela McKinstry

    Pamela McKinstry


    Being a local to the area I have attended this restaurant since childhood. It has evolved in many ways with its seasonal attractions becoming more and more elaborate. From Disney Mickey Mouse character scenes in the 80’s to the real reindeers that are stabled in Santa’s Grotto in present times. One thing has not changed and that is the quality of the food, it has always been of a high standard. The owner and staff provide an excellent service even in their busiest times and are always willing to accommodatie the customer’s needs.

  • Simon Parks

    Simon Parks


    Good portion sizes with good quality food. Depending on where you are seated it can be a little cramped if the place is really busy. Any time I've had fish it's been a good call. They have a mini zoo out the back also which is fun to explore and helps make it interesting if you bring kids.... or if you are on a date :) I'd definitely recommend this place

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    teresa kniaziewicz


    Bardzo dobre jedzenie i miła obsługa. Warto odwiedzić.

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