Flower Power i Cill Mhantáin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFlower Power



🕗 åbningstider

8, Main Street, A67 T656, Cill Mhantáin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 404 69491
internet side: flowerpowerwicklow.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.980123, Longitude: -6.0410093

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lukasz Cupial


    I have ordered a bouquet for Valentines for 60 euro highlighting that I wish to have 15 roses and small bits around it. My wife received flowers as shown with 6 roses and many other bits around them. Don't mean me wrong it is a nice bouquet but not as ordered for 60 euro, where I could easily buy similar in Lidl for 20-30 euro. I think the feedback reflects my disappointment for this florist especially on special day like Valentines.

  • en

    Alex Tanner


    Online ordering was easy enough. Late afternoon delivery and you have no control over when it is delivered, unless I missed something. If you email them or send a chat via website be forewarned that thou Flower Power staff don't check email, and if they do there's no response...best you call. They would have a 5 Noddy badges from me but the communication was a hassle. I don't live in Ireland hence the need for email btw.

  • Jane Quinn

    Jane Quinn


    Great Experience - ordered flowers for My Sister-in-law in she was delighted with them. Also Ordered Christmas flowers , staff were friendly and helpful and very efficient.

  • Danni Holleran

    Danni Holleran


    Excellent flower service. I live in the US and I ordered Birthday flowers for my dad back home in Ireland. The florist contacted me personally via email to ensure the delivery date worked for me which is always nice when you are so far away. The flowers arrived on time and were the best quality flowers and such a beautiful display. Also, the chocolates that I ordered stated 21 count yet my dad received a massive box with over 30 chocolates! We were delighted and I will definitely be using this florist for all my home flower deliveries from now on.

  • Obafemi Adaraloye

    Obafemi Adaraloye


    Best place to get your flowers in Wicklow

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