Funny Bones Children's Activity Centre w Collooney

IrlandiaFunny Bones Children's Activity Centre



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Toberbride Business Park Collooney, Rathrippin, Collooney, Co. Sligo, Irland
kontakt telefon: +353 71 913 3281
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Latitude: 54.1762536, Longitude: -8.4810567

komentarze 5

  • en

    Stephen Garvey


    Safe, clean and fun activity centre... Kids really enjoyed their afternoon here

  • en

    Edel Lenehan


    No supervision. Dirty toilets. Kids enjoyed the wall climbing thing but I was worried sick. Won’t be back.

  • Lisa Corcoran

    Lisa Corcoran


    It's ok, the kids enjoy it but not the most comfortable for parents. It was cold in there today and the toilets stank. It was extremely busy . It's great to see a supervisor now walking around keeping an eye on the kids playing and that's there's no ruff play. Big improvement on our last visit but still better available around sligo.

  • linda lewis

    linda lewis


    Funnybones I'm so glad to have visited your place once again the kids had a fantastic time . goes without saying so did I . staff and management are 100% outstanding.could not have asked for better treatment. Although I saw some people treating it more like a creche and sat down without paying attention to there own children who were a little wild to say the least.... I think maybe it should be made clear that perants/ guardians of children should be responsible for them as we were with our your staff work hard enough with out having to mind children so there perants / guardians can relax.....well done to you all for providing such a fantastic service

  • Carolyn Gelig

    Carolyn Gelig


    Was here with the kids I'm minding we were staying in keash and this is the only place we're the kids could play indoor since the weather was bad that time . The place is huge and it's heaven for the kids . The kids enjoyed so much and wanted to come back the next day. It's a fun places of all ages , they have the thing we're the older kids are tied up on a harness and would be able to do obstacles courses up . It's look fun and many kids were trying it. They have a coffee shop we're the adults could enjoy too while the kids play.

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