Funshog Garden Sheds i Collon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFunshog Garden Sheds



🕗 åbningstider

Funshog, Collon, Co. Louth, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 41 982 6836
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Latitude: 53.8078024, Longitude: -6.5005612

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mark Matthews


    Good spot great prices

  • en

    david dillon


    The shed was put up and wasnt positioned square,it looked awful and I fixed it myself.The clowns that erected it put skirting on the front and one side and left the rest.I made a complaint and was told it would be sorted but they havent returned.Go spend your cash somewhere else dont go near funshonk sheds!

  • Dominic Hodnett

    Dominic Hodnett


    Funshog garden sheds made built and erected many sheds for me and are a great company to deal with .. Superb quality service and always punctual Neat and delivered on time

  • Freddy Byrne

    Freddy Byrne


    Excellent selection of sheds to suit all sizes and personal design's

  • en

    Kate McLoone


    I loved this. Great variety of sheds, fun colours, imaginative colours and designs. Very efficient service. Shed arrived on date and time stated and put up quickly and with no mess by very pleasant workmen. Would recommend this business highly.

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