Glenbarry bed and breakfast i New Ross

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandGlenbarry bed and breakfast



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Mountgarrett Road, New Ross, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 422 153
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Latitude: 52.402048, Longitude: -6.9378122

kommentar 5

  • en

    conor jordan


    Not the worst place to lay your head.

  • en

    V-Nails Nail BAR


    Top class

  • Sushil Pillay

    Sushil Pillay


    Loved our stay. The hosts are wonderful. Straightaway made us feel at home. They also have a wonderful labrador - Ben. He is a gem :) The house is beautiful inside out and has been decorated with taste. The view from the breakfast table is superb. The breakfast is decent and the hosts went out of their way to make strawberry pancakes for us which was really sweet of them. The rooms are nice and airy, stocked with everything you might need. Bathroom is clean with nice hot shower on demand.  Parking space can be an issue but luckily wasn't a problem for us. They have space for 4 cars. Would be good to have more drinking water available in room.

  • Swetha Mandhyan

    Swetha Mandhyan


    Great stay. The hosts we're very welcoming . Absolutely enjoyed the stay and highly recommend it

  • FATIMA Afonso

    FATIMA Afonso


    Amaizing place to relax, fantastic view from living room, friendly people, very kindly, everything Clean and organized! I recomend absolutly this place😍

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