Greenacres i Wexford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Selskar, Wexford, Y35 RW7C, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 53 912 2975
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Latitude: 52.341442, Longitude: -6.4640862

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gemma Kiernan


    Nicest skinny fries I've ever experienced, almost closer to crisps than chips. Lovely sandwich on made soda bread. Lovely staff, decor and atmosphere. Interesting venue with art interspersed throughout.

  • en

    Julia Edkins


    A friend and I had a really wonderful night here - between us we have all the most awkward food allergies and the team went above and beyond to understand the allergies and take care of us - and the food was still incredible even without all the trimmings. The dessert was a unique masterpiece, the wine pairings were spot on and we felt super special. Highly recommend a visit!!

  • en

    Eoin Fleming


    Very nice casual restaurant with friendly staff and a nice atmosphere. My wife tells me they have an amazing selection of gins but I opted for the cake selection - I have never seen a cream filled chocolate croissant before, it was everything my arteries feared. Reasonably priced and excellent food with a large selection of delicatessen items including some unusual and hard to find items - highly recommended

  • en

    Philip Murphy


    Great staff. They made up a lovely basket for me this morning.cheese chutney and Guinness bread cooked fresh this morning. Very reasonable price. Oh and a beautiful take out coffee

  • Mandy Irvine

    Mandy Irvine


    The food is amazing..I joined for the burns supper and that was great. The chef made his own haggis. Every single staff member goes out there way to help you and make you feel welcome. Their shop is full of really great food and wine.

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