Hang Tough Framing i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHang Tough Framing



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7B, Richmond Street South, D02 X772, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 658 1900
internet side: www.hangtough.ie
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Latitude: 53.332071, Longitude: -6.264401

kommentar 5

  • en

    brendan oneill


    Thanks for sorting me out with my Christmas presents at such a busy time, so delighted with the results the pictures come alive I am over the moon, see you guys again soon I hope thanks Brendan.

  • paul tuthill

    paul tuthill


    great service. detailed advice and suggestions for every piece that i've left in. very interested in conservation and realise that the frame should never take away from the artwork it is trying to showcase. 100% recommend.

  • Julie Dilger

    Julie Dilger


    Super helpful and knowledgeable. Always give the best advice and their craftsmanship is second to none. Would highly recommend.

  • Beth Shaw

    Beth Shaw


    Love this place, always give great advice and their skills are phenomenal, never been disappointed with the results, will be using them for many years to come, I've also picked up some great pieces when they host gallery events, so nice to have beautifully framed work hanging on my walls from up and coming local artists

  • en

    Emma Farrell


    A great service, I'm really thrilled with the result. What I wanted was pricey (although no more expensive than other quotes I received) but HangTough were the only ones who would help me get the result I wanted and I'm really delighted I spent the money. They were really pleasant to deal with throughout.

nærmeste Butik

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