Head Record Store i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHead Record Store


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Henry Street, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 516 1873
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Latitude: 53.3501639, Longitude: -6.2641872

kommentar 4

  • Karen Kinsella

    Karen Kinsella


    I purchased a John Wick 1&2 set on blu ray for my brother for Christmas, he opened it to find an empty box. The case had the sleeve and regular priced sticker. No display case sticker whatsoever. So I've paid for an empty box and gave it to my brother for Christmas. I purchased it in October and sadly can't find my receipt. Bank receipts won't suffice. So I'm at a loss.

  • Paul Daly

    Paul Daly


    Yay a music store with everything in it! Great prices, broad selection and good staff.

  • en

    Brendan Colgan


    I have got a lot of great movies at low prices and they are ordering me a film for a great low price

  • Dia C

    Dia C


    Oh Vinyl vinyl vinyl and not only: 💿🎧📀🎬🎮 newly opened in Ilac Shopping Centre. Great value, promos. Impressive +17,000 titles on CD, Vinyl, Blu Ray. Rare stuff too. Proudly got my first Jean Michel Jarre. They've ordered Blade Runner soundtrack on vinyl for me, so impressed! ✌️✌️✌️

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