Health Service Executive (HSE) Churchtown i Dublin 14

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHealth Service Executive (HSE) Churchtown


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Nutgrove Avenue, Dublin 14, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 491 6400
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Latitude: 53.29221, Longitude: -6.2667263

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    mary dalton


    I applied for an exceptional needs payment but my letter detailing two simultaneous rents and 6 months with no rent supplement was sidetracked and impounded. The CWO did not even see it, nor my receipts, records, etc - apparently vanished. Instead a SW inspector called unheralded to dispute a pittance unrelated to me. There is a "No Cold Callers" sign on the front porch. This is mystifying, circuitous, invasive, damaging, to health already badly damaged. My letter was clearly addressed to CWO, HSE, NOT SW, who hid it. 1.8.17 Huge, deranged retaliation from Dublin Central Rent Unit, with demands for 14 items they already have. This is simply spiteful and malicious. They threaten an entitlement I have, obviously. Basically they can knock themselves out, everything is in order. Looking forward to airing this in the Appeals Office and High Court. When will Ireland pull itself out of primitive, punitive, backward, behaviour? Ireland's public bodies remain the most dangerous and retrogressive part of life. What does Europe think? 14.8.17 More retaliation. This time against friend, in the absence of family. Very Mugawbe; very Hussein. These public servants are supposedly about "welfare". Given that my health is so damaged from malicious, spiteful, primitive behaviour, it is an eye-opener to experience its continuation from public servants. Moral question: should one co-operate with bullying and invasions of dignity and privacy? Or not. Watch this space.

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