Heatons i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Block D, Blackpool, Cork, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 439 6460
internet side: www.heatonsstores.com
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Latitude: 51.9157178, Longitude: -8.4723138

kommentar 5

  • en

    Philip Downey


    Very poor customer service. I had received a gift of shoes which were too large and went to exchange them in store. When I went to customer services I was promptly told that I couldn't exchange the shoes as the box that I had was not the original packaging. The sales representative further went on to imply that I stole the goods and under no conditions will they be exchanged, even though I had the legitimate receipt. Will be not shopping there again as a result and will not be passing on any recommendations to do so either.

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    Frances Osullivan


    Great variety of goods

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    Maria Cosgrove


    Lovely clothes very cheap

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    Sinéad O'Leary


    Very friendly staff and prices are reasonable

  • Mark O'Brien

    Mark O'Brien


    A large, well laid out store with a wide selection of goods with lots of departments from clothing, household to sports. The clothing sections can be a bit messy at peak times. The new no change of mind refund can be a bit of a pain so make sure you are happy before purchase, otherwise it's an exchange or credit note.

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