Helga Schworer Hairsalon i Dublin

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IrlandHelga Schworer Hairsalon



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33, Baggot Street Upper, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 660 3311
internet side: www.helga.ie
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Latitude: 53.3330991, Longitude: -6.243958

kommentar 5

  • en

    kai feng Wang


    Very high standards hair salon. If you are looking for something excellent, this is the stop for your hair and colour.

  • en

    Rachel O' Connor


    Recently got my hair done here! I was so delighted to know there was a "good" hair salon around the corner of my house and they even have a dog in there !! However I was really dissapointed! The woman at reception asked me who I got my hair done normally and I told her I just moved to Dublin and that I am a student in Dublin. She never asked me if I wanted a senior stylist and I assumed the prices were basic for a wash cut and blow dry (i.e. 55 euro) but no it was 75 euro and I was just really shocked. I didn't think it was worth it. On asking the other woman that washed my hair what products does she use she hadn't a clue and told me that they do nice hair treatments in Lush !?? (Not a fan of lush - the body shop!). I had a nice hair cut besides that. I felt a bit uncomfortable when staff walked around commenting on my hair cut whilst I got my blowdry. Back to tony and guy I go ! #dissappointment

  • en

    A LS


    Very competent and quick, but didn't listen to me saying not to style, blowdry, put products in etc. Just a cut was asked for, but by the end of it your hair is so flattened by products and blow drying that you've no idea what it's going to look like on a normal day - you've no idea what you've just spent 75 euro on. Frustrating. There's only so much polite protesting you can do before you feel rude.

  • en

    Ann Broekhoven


    Love Helga. Best place I have ever found. The staff are fantastic, and the styling is second to no one. Try it and you'll never want to go anywhere else again.

  • Declan Clancy

    Declan Clancy


    Lovely place, scented candles, coffee brewing! A wall full of awards and pet friendly to boot.

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