Hermans Hairstylists i Dublin 16

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHermans Hairstylists



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Level 1M Dundrum Town Centre, Dundrum, Dublin 16, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 296 5514
internet side: www.hermans.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.286171, Longitude: -6.240921

kommentar 5

  • en

    Monica Mc GOVERN


  • April Plant

    April Plant


  • emily kirkman

    emily kirkman


    I thought this was going to be a nice experience as the staff are friendly and the hours were convenient for me after work. Unfortunately my hair came out terribly damaged. I was getting highlights and the Olaplex treatment. I had probably five different staff members attending to me as they would jump from client to client. I suppose this was to try to get appointments done before they closed. They used foils and put my hair under a heater which started to irritate my head. All the staff were attending to other customers and I couldn't get anyone's attention. I wasn't sure what to do and had to get out of the heater up from my seat and go over to a member of staff to tell them it was very irritating and unncomfortable for my head. It felt like it was frying!! They sat me down out of the heater and quickly went back to someone else. There was a great sense of being rushed and when your being charged €160 you'd expect better treatment. I now have hair that has broken off above my ears and in the poorest condition it's ever been in. This was not a great experience for me and it's just disappointing. Hopefully these standards change.

  • Kevin Quane

    Kevin Quane


    I like my new hair

  • Joanne Barnes

    Joanne Barnes


    Got a full head of highlights this morning in hermans Dundrum I love it.. Lee and Kate did my hair and they gave me legendary customer care. They know what they are doing and really understood what I was looking for. Thank you so much, and I will definitely be back👩🏼 Joanne b

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