Hibernian Hotel i Mallow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHibernian Hotel


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Main Street, Mallow, Co. Cork, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 22 58200
internet side: www.hibernianhotelmallow.com
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Latitude: 52.1374454, Longitude: -8.6460108

kommentar 5

  • Patrick Healy

    Patrick Healy


    Great hotel only problem here is short walk from public carpark about 3 mins walk to reception apart from that everything very accessible even for wheelchairs

  • BonzoBanzai



    Lovely gym and staff unreal. Nice coffee dock as well. While another hotel took the name, the HiBi is as good as the town centre 👍

  • Emma Welch

    Emma Welch


    Great hotel. The staff are very welcoming and helpful. Can't wait till the next visit.

  • en

    peter o reilly


    Nice n clean food is good and the bar is very modern sadly the bar always seems to have a dull atmosphere but has all you need for your stay. Clean, nice staff good food lovely gym and pool plenty of parking and its bang in the middle of mallow town

  • en



    Room was perfectly serviceable and bed is comfy. Internet great. Service perfect. Food spot on. Room needs a socket by the bed for phone charging. Had best simple homemade burger in a long while, fries were awesome also tried the fish & chips. The batter was light and crispy and delicious. All portions are fair sized.

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