Hickeys Pharmacy i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHickeys Pharmacy



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55, O'Connell Street Lower, D01 W2V3, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 873 0427
internet side: www.hickeyspharmacies.ie
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Latitude: 53.347638, Longitude: -6.2597613

kommentar 5

  • Moran Y

    Moran Y


    I went there yesterday and had a great customer experience! They were really understanding as I had some issues with the prescription. They took the necessary time to explain me how the Welfare system works in Ireland and how I can get my medications for free with the LTI scheme. Neither my GP nor my doctor at the Hospital did this. Thanks again!

  • iwona krzyzanowska

    iwona krzyzanowska


    Unreliable, they do not respect the opening hours. I was waiting for them to open at 8:30 as it states on the door to get a cough syrup before going to work but the staff would not open the door for me to sell it.

  • Johanna Behm

    Johanna Behm


    The pharmacist packed an alternative medicine to my bag without asking if I'm okay to try the alternative when the original was out of stock. Luckily I noticed before paying because I know that this alternative doesn't suit me and it would cause terrible side effects. I had specifically statet before that I will only take the medicine that is prescriped to me. I'm used to trust the health care professionals and maybe I'm used to exceptionally great service because I have used the Finnish and Swedish health care system so far, but the way I was treated made me feel that the aim of the pharmacist was just to rip me off. So selfish, disrespectful and unprofessional. I felt humiliated. The pharmacist also promised to come back to me the next day and let me know when the medicine would be available. Still waiting for call... I would recommend to try some other pharmacy!

  • J McCarthy

    J McCarthy


    Crazy expensive

  • en

    nikita o'brien


    Very easy to use and gives direct directions

nærmeste Apotek

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