Home Store + More i Portlaoise

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IrlandHome Store + More



🕗 åbningstider

Unit 5 & 6 Portlaoise Retail Park, Downs, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 76 888 6662
internet side: www.homestoreandmore.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.0291494, Longitude: -7.2879437

kommentar 5

  • Andreea Bebe

    Andreea Bebe


    Such a lovely shopping place. Wide range of products, affordable prices with very good sales. Grate customer service, very helpful staff. Excellent service!

  • Siobhan Duff

    Siobhan Duff


    Great range of products available. Customer service is ten out of ten staff are so helpful and friendly.

  • en

    Clodagh Salter


    An excellent shop in Portlaoise. Brilliant quality curtains. Their 1/2 price products are genuine bargains. The staff r so helpful. A special mention to an assistant called John. He genuinely wants to help u.

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    Sarah Gallagher


    My very favourite shop, the staff are always so helpful and the things they have to aid in whatever you are doing around the house and garden are second to none. Top marks

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    Fionnuala Molloy


    I am not a big lover of shopping. I only go when there is a need to. But I really Love this shop. I go to the Carlow shop. I am on their "advance email" list, well worth signing up to. I bought 3 large furniture type items over the last 5 years, at a 50% genuine discount. I have got really great quality bed linen and towels when advertised, which I would not normally be able to afford in other shops.

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