Howards Way i Dublin 14

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHowards Way



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11 Braemor Rd Churchtown Dublin 14, D14 HN63, Braemor Road, D14 HN63, Dublin 14, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 296 5806
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2960083, Longitude: -6.2603421

kommentar 5

  • Colin Edward Ricardo

    Colin Edward Ricardo


    Irish breakfast here really isn't the best. The place is very closely packed together too, and feels cramped as a result.

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    Lynn Cryan


    Lovely food friendly staff clean

  • Anna Hennessy

    Anna Hennessy


    Lovely food, staff very friendly , excellent customer service, good value

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    master digger


    Just had soup and bread here. I Was blown away. It was mushroom soup, a bucket of it, very tasty, and bread and butter. Amazing

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    Brian L


    Small, busy, family friendly restaurant in Churchtown. The menu is practical with options for most tastes and the do provide specials for greater choice. The food itself seems to have gone downhill a bit during our last few visits, this may be be we were there at busy times. Our lunches were carb overloads with the fillings being rather bland, we would have preferred a smaller wrap with tastier fillings. The salads served on the side were fine. Also during peak times when you have to wait, it is not ideal as you may have to stand outside until there is space inside to stand.

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