Il Primo Italian restaurant i New Ross

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IrlandIl Primo Italian restaurant



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18, South Street, Y34 P409, New Ross, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 425 262
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Latitude: 52.394637, Longitude: -6.944475

kommentar 5

  • en

    John Sloan


    It is family restaurant but one of a few open over the Bank holiday weekend. The place was noisy with the background music too loud and brash. A wide range of typical Italian dishes. I chose the salmon with potatoes, far too many of them, and the fish, though poached, was dry. The bread was fresh. The house red, Merlot, was drinkable.

  • en



    Tired lettuce leaves with starter, tasteless veg, some rolled rubbery substance in a hard coating served as chicken milano, cards not accepted. Yes, the bistecca was OK and the wait staff helpful but honestly, there's no reason to ever think of eating here again.

  • Roisin Quinn

    Roisin Quinn


    It’s 2018 and this place doesn’t take card. Obviously the owner and staff haven’t been to Italy in their lives as the food is rotten, honestly dominos is more Italian than this place.

  • Trevor Hunt

    Trevor Hunt


    I had the worst experience possible service was very poor food was awful I handed back a dish as was not as was on the menu and waitress tried to argue with me by putting menu in front of me to prove me wrong .she then realized I was correct and said she will take crabs out of dish I said I didn't want it . I asked for the bill and handed 2 20euros and she gave me wrong change when I mentioned it she laughed . It was the worst experience I've ever had in a restaurant or anywhere for that matter. Keep away.

  • Rhea Shields

    Rhea Shields


    I think the place has potential. The service was good and the staff is friendly but the food, lacking. My pasta was overcooked and mealy and the so called "bacon" in the dish more closely resembled bologna dyed to look like bacon than actual bacon. There was a red bit and a white bit but the white bit was the same texture as the red which was luncheon meat-- if it was indeed meat at all. Plainly put, it was terrible. My advice? Don't avoid the place completely, my partner's pizza was fine and the atmosphere is kitschy and cute. Just don't order pasta... or anything with bacon in it.

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