IMC Cinema Clonmel i Clonmel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandIMC Cinema Clonmel


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Kickham Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 52 612 7354
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Latitude: 52.355148, Longitude: -7.701641

kommentar 5

  • Sean Bergin

    Sean Bergin


    Excellent value in conjunction with Mr Bumbles meal deal.

  • en

    Mairead O'Regan


    Cannot say enough about Clonmel cinema.My daughter had her birthday there they were all so helpful & nice .They couldn't be more accommodating. A special thank you to Ann whom went above& beyond call of duty .Thank yee all

  • en

    Angela Prendergast


    Nice cinema and nice staff. Could do with turning off the aircon sometimes tho and fixing the leak so the bucket can be moved from the middle of the floor. All in all tho very good experience

  • Charina Jones

    Charina Jones


    IMC cinema is grand, comfy seating and the movie we watched was Awesome! Didnt like the popcorn though....

  • Catherine Shaw

    Catherine Shaw


    Delighted to see Tosca from the Met there this evening. Wonder why IMC is keeping these opera screenings such a secret though - I didn't know they were on in Clonmel until someone told me at Christmas!

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