Inishowen Gateway Hotel i Buncrana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandInishowen Gateway Hotel


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Railway Road, F93 PPH9, Buncrana, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 74 936 1144
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Latitude: 55.1258902, Longitude: -7.4569665

kommentar 5

  • Vanessa Scanlon

    Vanessa Scanlon


    Great staff. Menu wasn't elaborate. Room was massive and beautiful but unfortunately next door to the kitchen so we had a nice early wake up call

  • en

    Ciaran Quigley


    Lovely hotel, very friendly staff, used the spa on this occasion and stayed on another. Spa was very relaxing, first time for me, would definitely go back for a treatment, therapist was very informative made me feel very relaxed. Could not rate the food higher and reasonably priced. Free wifi and free parking.

  • en

    Ethna O Kane


    Lovely hotel the staff are very friendly and helpful. Great location and very scenic. We enjoyed the food and bar staff were great. I would recommend this hotel to stay whether you are touring the local area or relaxing in the hotel. The leisure centre and spa are top class and I enjoyed the hydrotherapy bath and massage.

  • en



    Nice hotel, comfy rooms. Breakfast was good. Staff very friendly too. Gym was pretty mediocre and in need of an update but the pool etc were nice. Would stay here again.

  • rachel mc laughlin

    rachel mc laughlin


    Hotel safe amazing and very helpful.. I have 3 kids and i find it hard to get them all something on the menu they each like, but they enjoyed food & breakfast was loads on offer.. The swimming pool & kids club is just fantastic. Soft play movies and ps4.. Will for sure be taken a few days over the summer...

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