James Larkin Statue i Dublin 1

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IrlandJames Larkin Statue



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1, O'Connell Street Lower, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.3490872, Longitude: -6.2599478

kommentar 5

  • Jan Torfs

    Jan Torfs


    Monument located at O'Connell Street and built in memory of James Larkin , a known union's leader. See his special position and attitude due to his skills of talking to big crowds.

  • John Bride

    John Bride


    Can’t fault it. It’s a nice statue that doesn’t cost anything to look at. It’s a little crusty looking up close but that’s just the style.

  • Ilker çakmakkaya

    Ilker çakmakkaya


    The great voice that did not need to have a microphone .. not a myth, just breath it you would get ..

  • Aamir Junejo

    Aamir Junejo


    Iconic statue who was founder of worker union of Ireland

  • Anton Sweeney

    Anton Sweeney


    Iconic statue commemorating 'Big Jim' Larkin of 1913 Lockout fame. His most historic speech was given from the balcony of the adjacent Clery's department store. Ironic, that a century later Clery's own workers would themselves be victims of a lockout.

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