Jerpoint Abbey i Thomastown

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IrlandJerpoint Abbey



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Jockeyhall, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 56 772 4623
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Latitude: 52.5110631, Longitude: -7.1578925

kommentar 5

  • Samantha Perez

    Samantha Perez


    Pretty neat stop. The gal working was super nice and helpful!

  • Ti To

    Ti To


    Schöne kleine Ruine einer alten Abtei für 2 Euro Eintritt. In der Region Kilkenny eine tolle Sehenswürdigkeiten, wenn es auch auf dem Rest der Insel größere und besser erhaltene Ruinen gibt.

  • en

    Fergal Jennings


    One of the better known ruins in Ireland it is no longer situated on the main road. Car parking is god and access is by office hours. It is an interesting place for its carvings and ruins. The guided tour is well thought through and informative. Well worth a visit

  • Murphy Salisbury

    Murphy Salisbury


    It's OK, unless you are into delving deep into the Irish monk historical aspects, which are available here. It's a very nice ruin. But others were just as nice, and I don't know if I'd make a special trip to see this. Many parts were blocked off, so if you want a dramatic view or to climb around on the towers or upper floors, this isn't quite the place

  • bryan conlon

    bryan conlon


    Steeped in history dating back to 12 century. Make sure you do a guided tour to get a real sense of the place. Lots of photographic opportunities for the photographer? Public toilets available but no cafe or shop. Small selection of souvenir cards available

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