Joanne's Restaurant i Arklow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandJoanne's Restaurant


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Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 402 39498
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Latitude: 52.798237, Longitude: -6.1564596

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edel McCann


    Food lovely, service could have come with a smile.. baby seat was filthy had to clean it myself before I put the child into it.they had no gravy and no fish fingers wasn't busy so I don't know why they weren't better stocked up.. overall food was nice but would have liked to see a smile with the service.

  • Martin McClean

    Martin McClean


    Top local restaurant with good choice of cakes. Visit here regularly.

  • Gav otoole

    Gav otoole


    Lovely cakes. And always good with all day brakefast

  • Dara Flynn Robinson

    Dara Flynn Robinson


    Old style cafe, good old Irish style cafe. The food is decent, filled with lots of normal simple and wholesome dishes, a good cup of tea and coffee. They make cakes and other pastries and have lots of cream cakes and the like. Lots of seating upstairs and downstairs and the toilets are clean. The staff are lovely and it's a great place to stop off for a bite to eat and a chat

  • Adam Pescod

    Adam Pescod


    Stopped for lunch in Arklow on the way to Dublin and ended up at this attractive-looking bakery/cafe. From the outside it looked like a small independent bakery, but it was a lot larger inside, and more of a diner than a cafe. The food was nice, but nothing to write home about, and my dad was very disappointed to be told there was no tuna for his tuna melt panini a good five minutes after ordering it. Likewise, it was only upon asking the waitress if her tea was on the way that my wife was told it was 'self service', and had to go back to the counter and pour it herself. It was all a bit hit-and-miss.

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