Joe Duffy Volkswagen (Navan) i Navan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandJoe Duffy Volkswagen (Navan)



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Commons Road, Navan, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 46 902 7333
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.645973, Longitude: -6.6983569

kommentar 5

  • John Reilly

    John Reilly


    Great service.. Friendly and informative staff

  • en

    David Reilly


    A tube had come out the bottom of my car, so tipped into Joe Duffy to get it put back in. They said it'd be a big enough job lasting 2 hours and costing 100+ euro. I did some research myself, looking up the serial number on the tube and it turned out to be the fuel overflow pipe. Pushed it back in, all done in 2 minutes. Avoid this place, they either didn't know what they were doing or tried to rip me off.

  • Dave Campbell

    Dave Campbell


    Had quotes for work to be carried out and it was a little over the odds compared to the Volkswagen Ireland website, genuine error but was going to be charged 10% more as they weren't aware of a group offer. All sorted and great service from the mechanics but the service manager could do with staying more up to date with their group advertising. Also believe that my request to test drive a car while mine was being serviced was reasonable, being refused (I believe) because I was in work gear means my next car purchase (2018 GTI) will be with a different Volkswagen garage.

  • en

    Rachel Faulkner


    Great experience. Susan is brilliant. Really looks after you and advise you on what needs to be done on your car to keep you safe.

  • Bryan S

    Bryan S


    Wouldn't recommend. Tried rip off wife with car key. Oh the stupid woman doesn't have clue about cars!!!! Battery needed replacing in car key. They said would need new key. Scandalous behaviour by VW.

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