June Blake's Garden i Blessington

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IrlandJune Blake's Garden



🕗 åbningstider

Tinode, Kilbride, Co. Wicklow, W91 EC90, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 277 0399
internet side: www.juneblake.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.2136101, Longitude: -6.4852069

kommentar 5

  • Petra Klauzová

    Petra Klauzová


    Stunning! Spacious apartment and lovely garden!

  • M Conway

    M Conway


    Home cooked soup, scones and lovely jelly jam. Very pleasant surroundings and beautiful gardens.

  • Kevin Moore

    Kevin Moore


    June Blake’s garden is such a tranquil and peaceful space, a cacophony of colour and scents, it is an oasis of calm only 20 minutes from Dublin city. After a relaxing stroll around the garden, we rewarded ourselves with a tasty coffee and chocolate cake in the Tea rooms.

  • Seamus O'Farrell

    Seamus O'Farrell


    Beautiful setting, fabulous range of plants including some great trees. Tea and scones (cream and jams) in the tea room before we started exploring. Perfect stop for an hour...or two

  • Gerard Thibault

    Gerard Thibault


    The Turkey House, one of two really architecturally bold totally refurbished Barn or farm buildings is absolutely fantastic. Having stayed at the Cow House previously I tried the new house and I am not disappointed. Wonderful master bedroom with roll top bath at the end of the bed. Great wet room second bedroom and fantastic open plan kitchen, dinning and lunge area with futuristic wood burner! It's a real must for all Walker's and nature lovers!

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