K Leisure Naas i Naas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandK Leisure Naas



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New Caragh Road, Naas West, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 45 881 655
internet side: www.kildareleisure.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.2157276, Longitude: -6.6827839

kommentar 5

  • en

    Derek Moore


    From the outside the doess not look much but when you e ter they fab pool.a gym that is second to none there are professioal trainers and private ones.there is a sauna.outside there a number of playing fields that be used at night there is also a building that i door football cam e held

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    Tom O'Rourke


    Very friendly staff and a real nice atmosphere, pay as you go is very good value

  • Raeoni Daly

    Raeoni Daly


    We bring our son to the parents and tots swim on Wednesdays when we can, excellent facilities and the water in both pools is clean and a nice temperature

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    Jackie Mulholland


    Super gym, loads of classes from attack, body pump, spin to body balance . There are also many virtual classes ranging from one hour to half an hour so jump in on whatever you have time for. Lovely pool with aqua aerobics and also very child friendly with toddler swim mornings. Then after all your hard work chill with friends on the coffee dock.

  • Daniel O'Neill

    Daniel O'Neill


    Nice mod gym, good swimming-pool. However you just become an insignificant statistic once you sign up. One or two good staff members but the remainder lack interest and enthusiasm. Car parking can be a real issue at peak times,

nærmeste Gym

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