Karma Nightclub i Athlone

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKarma Nightclub



🕗 åbningstider

Church Street, Athlone, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 90 647 7152
internet side: www.karmaathlone.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.424232, Longitude: -7.938158

kommentar 5

  • en

    John Murphy


    Good food and service, also one off Athlone's places to go for nightclub entertainment

  • en

    brows dc


    Stairs to the smoking area can be dangerous.

  • Mumtaz Brown

    Mumtaz Brown


    #AboutLastNight# Went to Karma For the first time as I've heard so much about it, Great Club but MANAGEMENT NEEDS TO LOOK INTO A FEW THINGS... We spend alot of Money on drinks & when the club closed I've seen people get chased out of the club like sheep by the Bouncers which is very Disrespectful & they can be rude & arrogant.. People should be notified last rounds by the Dj.. Once the lights come on people are finishing there drinks but after spending money in the club they get booted out in a not nice way. After the lights came on and after spending alot of money at the bar, I went to ask for water & was told bar is closed once lights come on but who notified the crowd last rounds "No one" If the bar man couldn't sell me water he could have at least given me tap water when I spoke to one of the Bouncers he answered me very rudely.. For first time experience that wasn't good. It's ok for the club to take money from people then after get treated with disrespect. If it wasn't for us bringing the money in as Customers, Karma wouldn't be operating so as Customers we should be treated with respect. One bouncer wanted to ban a guy who couldn't speak English when he was collecting his jacket at the cloak room, he was looking for his ticket and the bouncer spoke in harsh way and I don't blame the other guy for been angry then the bouncer call or back up haha & said his banned, banned for what looking for his ticket & not speaking English properly.. Treatment like that should be looked into!!!!

  • Erika Guimaraes

    Erika Guimaraes


    It's a good night club. The biggest in Athlone. You can meet different people and have a good time.

  • Cathal Heaton

    Cathal Heaton


    Bouncers are friendly and handle situations well. Interior is great and very well kept. Booking option for parties is great too

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