Kc roofing solutions i Dublin city

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKc roofing solutions



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6/7 Marina Road Dun Laoghaire, Dun laoghaire, Dublin city, Co. Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 176 5916
internet side: www.kcroofingsolutions.ie
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Latitude: 53.2939, Longitude: -6.134389

kommentar 5

  • Michael Ryan

    Michael Ryan


    Michael Casey could not have been more helpful or more professional. As our "simple" job became more complicated by the day, he coped with the unexpected pressure of doing a much bigger job. A team of courteous work-people turned up every day on time. There was no rubbish when they had finished. The big skip was removed promptly. We are very grateful for his calm, unflappable presence at a difficult time. Our new roof looks great and we are very happy with it.

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    Eddie Forsyth


    The work done was excellent, would highly recommend.

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    Patrick Mcmahon


    Just had roof 're felted by kc roofing solutions excellent work carried out by professional roofing team would highly recommend micheal and his team

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    Claire Loftus


    I would recommend KC Roofing. Michael was very responsive & efficient (which is refreshing) & offered sound practical advice as & when required. I was struck by the whole team's attention to detail & genuine pride in their work. All of the above resulted in a new beautiful porch roof & front steps - we're delighted - the finished product has exceeded our expectations. Thanks guys!!

  • Gary Armstrong

    Gary Armstrong


    To Michael and Team, just a note of thanks for fixing our roof, we are very happy with the quick, professional work that was done, it was a pleasure dealing with you. Gary and Emma

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