Kilkenny Castle Park i Kilkenny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKilkenny Castle Park



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Castle Road, Kilkenny, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 56 770 4100
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.6498231, Longitude: -7.2467901

kommentar 5

  • Brian Guiley

    Brian Guiley


    Beautiful grounds and castle. Did not take the tour as one of my party would not be able to take the stairs. Views from around the castle are amazing as well. Lots of good places around it to eat.

  • Alissa Rifai

    Alissa Rifai


    Beautiful castle in the middle of town. Street parking only of course which was fine by us since we wanted to walk the town as well. The castle has a nice sidewalk trail behind that is about 1.5 miles, you can get a pretty view across the green grass. We did not pay to go inside, walking around the perimeter was satisfactory enough for us. You can walk in and see one room for free, but to see more there is a charge.

  • it

    Luca Merlin


    Forse uno dei più bei castelli che io abbia mai visitato. La cittadina in cui è situato il castello è Irish e questo porta un certo calore nel cuore. La visita guidata (solo in inglese rigorosamente parlato all'irlandese) è divertente e scorrevole e mostra un castello un po' diverso con poco medioevo e tante storie reali di vita vissuta lo consiglio!

  • en

    Paul Noone


    Well worth visiting when you stop in Kilkenny. The castle has been restored the Office of Public Works to the highest standard. The park is huge and spacious. Kids can safely run wild. Parents and grandparents can keep an eye on the little ones, chat and take in this parkland space. Walk your dinner off in this glorious parkland

  • it

    vale Dazzani


    Castello enorme e suggestivo. Parco grandissimo, perfetto per fare camminate o per correre. Ci si può rilassare o fare pic nic. Perfetto anche per i cani e i bambini. Situato nel centro di Kilkenny. Bellissimo posto. Ci tornerei volentieri

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